Built for: Brian Kinkade

Who We Are

Amplified Solutions is the trusted Follow Up Boss certified consultants for real estate teams and independent brokerages across North America.

What We Do

We help teams and independent brokerages transform their businesses by tailoring their Follow Up Boss account around their business model and goals.

Through our expertise in real estate operations, we’re able to guide clients in implementing a lead follow up strategy that targets specific leads whom meet specific criteria. This allows us to ensure leads are receiving the right messaging at the right time thoughout the sales cycle.

Our approach is to create a powerful system that is simple for agents to learn and use. Having agents trained on the system will allow you to have detailed and accurate reporting to make data-driven decisions. Through live training sessions, handbooks and other on-demand materials, we make sure that everyone understands how to use the system.

What We Create

  • Email Templates - Create custom Email Templates. These will be used for lead conversion. Our goal is to eliminate the time creating and sending the emails we use most often.
  • Action Plans - Create custom Action Plans for new leads, nurture, past clients, leasing leads, stale contacts and other operational processes such as post closing, submitting offers, and moving a contract through deal stages. Action Plans consist of text, emails, tasks, notes, and tags. This is where we create the standardized operating procedures for how to handle any lead or deal in any stage.
  • Automations - Create Automations to trigger Action Plans based on our roadmap. These triggers are - stage changed, tag added, deal stage changed, new inquiry, property saved, property viewed, and calendar date. We can combine any of those together. They then get filtered by endless conditions. A few examples would be source, stage, last communication, and even by how many emails you've sent.
  • Smart Lists - Create Smart Lists to target specific contacts. This is how we know who to talk to and when to talk to them.
  • Ponds - We will create Ponds where stale contacts go. These are good leads to prospect in the future.
  • Tags - Create a Tag strategy that is simple but powerful.
  • Integrations - Integrate third-party apps with direct API integration or Zapier.
  • Deals - Establish Deal pipelines.
  • Training - Create Handbooks for admin and agent accounts. These will explain how everything works and give agents direction on how to use FUB and how to handle situations.
  • Live Training Session - We will get everyone together and go over your finished account and how everything works. We will take the time and answer any questions anyone has.


$200/hr. billed monthly


Please note: This does not include the price of FUB system software or other software referenced.

The pricing for FUB is here and you would own the system and all the data, we're just doing set up: https://www.followupboss.com/pricing/


Rachel Van Cleave

The Stratton Group

"By the end of our sessions, I was proficient in our systems, I had a clear understanding of how our agent trainings need to go, and how to effectively manage our leads." 

Nat Ferguson


"Lee and his team helped me create a plan that brought meaningful growth to my brokerage, so much so that I crushed my 5 year plan in 18 months."