Support that scales with you.

From one-time projects to comprehensive support, scale seamlessly with our flexible hours.

How it works

1. Choose your services

No task is too small if it keeps you organized and optimized. Only get the help you need.

2. Hourly vs. Monthly Retainer

Pay-by-the-hour if you need something done once or sign on for a monthly retainer if you have ongoing work you need help with.

3. We roll up our sleeves

Know what you need and how you want to pay? Time for us to get to work!

Our Service Categories

FUB Setup and Maintenance

Lead Management

Operations Assistance

Client Management

Coaching and Training

Pay-As-You-Go vs. Monthly Retainer

Benefits of Pay-As-You-Go Rates

1. Flexibility: With invoiced hours you pay for actual time spent working, giving you the flexibility to use Amplified Solutions services as little or as much as you need.

2. No Long-Term Commitment: Test out working with Amplified Solutions without committing to a longer-term relationship.

3. Transparency: It's easier to track exactly what you're paying for as we provide detailed time logs for the work done.

4. Better for Small or Undefined Projects and Tasks: More cost effective for a small project or where the scope of work isn't well-defined.

Benefits of Monthly Retainer

1. Predictable Costs: Makes it easier to budget for services since you know how much you'll pay for set hours of monthly retained hours.

2. Priority Service: Retained hours are put ahead in work queue over hourly clients, ensuring your work is given priority.

3. Long-Term Relationship: Allows us to be deeply familiar with your business needs and be more proactive in meeting them.

4. Ease of Scaling: As your needs grow, it can be easier to expand the terms of a retainer agreement than to continuously negotiate new hourly contracts.

5. Bulk Discount: Get an hourly discount when you commit to a monthly retainer.


Not sure where to start?

Schedule a call–or just learn a little bit more about how we can help you.

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