Systems architecture coaching.

Two 1:1 coaching calls a month centered around systems architecture and scaling.

Streamline your lead management process.

Our solutions are tailored to your unique business model and lead sources, ensuring that you never miss a potential sale.

Don't drop the ball on leads.

Features such as @mentioning agents in contact notes, tagging, assigning tasks, and re-staging, keep all leads in the right place at all times.

Hold agents accountable to goals.

We stay in constant communication to ensure agents are calling, texting, and emailing assigned leads and past clients.

Harness the power of your data.

Data analysis fused with monthly coaching provides you with the tools you need to make data-driven decisions to reduce friction points and grow your business.

Expert training dedicated to your systems.

Extensive onboarding and live training sessions keep your team up-to-date on the latest Follow Up Boss features and best practices, while cheat sheets provide quick and easy access to essential information.

The Amplified Approach

With a continuous feedback loop designed to reduce friction points

Coaching for the whole team

Whether it's videos, courses, resources and guides, live workshops, email support, or a combination of them all, our team is here to meet you there.

Amped Hours

Weekly drop-in style office hours to directly answer your specific questions.

Getting FUB'd Up

A monthly workshop focused on deep learning FUB features.

The Primer

A monthly workshop centered around the agent systems you need.

Ticket Support

Unlimited top priority support tickets to answer any burning questions you have that can't wait until Amped Hours.


Our online learning platform for courses, resources, and guides to get the framework you need for the systems you want.

Exclusive Content

Get exclusive content tied to mindset, agent development, system management, new tech, and more.

We don't stop at Follow Up Boss

We're also are here to support you with integration support and system architecture inside of FUB.


Email Marketing Integration

Website Integrations

Embedded Apps

IDX/Pixel Integration


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Do you guys physically build systems out in my account?

Not in Learn, but we do in our other offerings. Learn is specific for answering your unique questions, showing you how to do specific/complex things inside of FUB, teaching you about new product releases and how they could benefit your system, tips/tricks, and anything else you can think of wanting to know about FUB.

Am I limited to how much I'm able to ask?

No, our goal is to be here for you and support all the questions you might have. Premium offerings do get priority on tickets, but you're free to ask as many questions on AmpedHours and send as many tickets as you'd like.

Is this a coaching program?

Yes! This group coaching with a focus on becoming a better agent/operation and expert support offering is designed to be accessible and affordable for anyone seeking to develop systems and processes to scale and grow their business, without the high expense of individual coaching.

What are the AmpedHours sessions?

AmpedHours is a weekly drop-in style office hours where you can stop by and get anything on your mind answered by our team of FUB experts. We'll screen share and show you exactly how to do what you're looking for. Our goal here is for you to leave each session with the answers to your questions, not just theories.

What are Getting FUB'd Up With Bridget workshops about?

Getting FUB'd Up With Bridget is a monthly workshop where we go into FUB features, new feature releases, and systems architecture. You'll leave with a deep understanding of the features we covered. GFUWB is designed to be very interactive and personal with a Q&A at the end of each session.

What are The Primer workshops about?

The Primer Workshops are designed to coach agents on building and managing their personal book of business. Topics will include how to build systems around their work to achieve true balance between work and personal time, effectively communicating and establishing healthy boundaries with clients, personal brand development and marketing, and strategies to increase mental resilience to handle the emotional rollercoaster of working full time in real estate.

What is Ticket Support for?

Ticket support is for your FUB questions that can't wait for AmpedHours.

What is ASU?

ASU or Amplified Solutions University is the home to all of our resources and courses you get as being a Learn member. We're constantly creating both new resources and courses to help you streamline your systems and processes.

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