Proposal built for:

Desmond Eaddy

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Project Description

We'll help you use your Follow Up Boss account to leverage all the best practices of top agents, teams, and brokerages. The goal is always to keep the setup simple for the user, but to create an overall strategy on using FUB to help you create more business, provide better follow-up, and know when to follow up with certain types or sources of leads.

Primary Pain Points

  • Better Reporting to find areas to fix/automate
  • Agent Adoption and Accountability + Lead Routing
  • Has a CRM Manager in the Philippines that can help manage some of this - needs training on the system
  • Just having time to focus on the setup and integrations and customer journey + training agents on the setup
  • Recruiting system to focus on growing the team

Project Scope

List of Services: Follow Up Boss | Custom Set Up

This includes:

  • Custom FUB setup - reviewing your Stages, Sources, Smart Lists, Lead Flow, Action Plans, etc - all key aspects of FUB are working together (The main reason to set this all up right is to get great Reporting natively in FUB)
  • Getting RentHop leads into FUB - likely custom email parser in Zapier - will need a paid Zapier account, prob the $29/mo level and you own the system then
  • A focus on routing the right leads - price, area, type - to the right agents - and likely using reporting to determine who gets the "best" leads
  • Reporting/Insights on FTC leads - FUB doesn't have this natively, but we can likely set up a simple Zap for this or at least reassign a lead if no contact is made in FUB after xx minutes (Really more of a focus on speed to lead)
  • Written overview and collab on overall client journey - FUB and all tools
  • Incorporating any AI tools that make sense - esp a text bot or similar - AI video is ideal (Ylopo is releasing this soon)
  • Better insight/Reporting on Sphere leads vs. Company leads - this is also tricky, but we can find a way to at least get you better intel on this
  • Appointments - a way to easily book appointments + reminders to the agent AND the contact - ideally a video reminder - Lee suggested Calendly or similar for this
  • Recruiting setup in FUB - will discuss, sometimes it's smart to have a second FUB acct dedicated just to recruiting
  • Action Plans for things like Birthdays and Anniversaries or behavioral actions by leads in FUB - send email or text if back on site, etc. (Texting Betty is great for this)
  • Set up Skyslope integration with a 3rd party tool:
  • Creating best practices for CRM Manager and training them
  • All projects include written materials - handbooks, cheat sheet, Google site with training links and prior training recordings + one internal admin training and one agent training live sessions


All payment is made upfront for FUB set up projects.

Total Base Cost: $5,000 flat cost

Additional Fees:

$250 hourly rate for any additional items outside of this proposal. This includes a large quantity of data manipulation during imports/exports as well as Zapier Integrations and Rules. This would be discussed before accruing any charges.


Please note: This does not include the price of FUB system software or other software referenced.

The pricing for FUB is here and you would own the system and all the data, we're just doing set up:

If desired, our Grow offering is a good follow up to your project to have support tickets for any additional help, a private FUB community, member only resources and virtual workshops + office hours.


Rachel Van Cleave

The Stratton Group

"By the end of our sessions, I was proficient in our systems, I had a clear understanding of how our agent trainings need to go, and how to effectively manage our leads." 

Nat Ferguson


"Lee and his team helped me create a plan that brought meaningful growth to my brokerage, so much so that I crushed my 5 year plan in 18 months." 

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